June 17-23, 2024 Michigan Pollinator Week
Governor Whitmer declares June 17-23, 2024 to be Michigan Pollinator Week
Governor Whitmer declares June 17-23, 2024 to be Michigan Pollinator Week
Did you know that 1/3 of our food is dependent on pollinators which are threatened by climate change?
14% of native plants (the keystones) support 90% of butterfly and moth lepidoptera species.
A new resource for finding out what to plant to attract pollinators. What Plants Bees Like Best
Scientific name: Papillo cresphontes
Higher classification: Swallowtail
According to the website http://metroparent.com there are some rather easy actions that we can take to preserve pollinators in our gardens. Stop buying plants pretreated with neonicotinoids. Treated pants are primarily sold at big box stores. These insecticides are sprayed onto seeds and are effective for up to 10 weeks. They were seen as less …
Mason Bee The tiny mason bee is environmentally healthy, simple and fun. Mason bees are extraordinary pollinators. These bees are very efficient, 200-300 females can pollinate an entire acre. They are native to most of North America. There are approximately 150 types of mason bees. According to Judy Beaudette writing on the website, ecolandscaping.org, “They are tunnel-nesting, …