FISCAL YEAR: The Council’s Fiscal Year is June 1 – May 31
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Associate membership is granted by the Board of Directors to any MGC club member, whether or not their club is or has been a KGC member. Associate members do not have voting privileges but can access benefits as offered by KGC to their regular members. The KGC consists of MGC clubs and their members who have chosen to affiliate with the Council to promote its objectives. Associate Member dues are $7.00 and are due annually on May 1.
ONGOING FUNDRAISERS: Ergonomic gardening tools are always available for sale online or in-person through KGC’s Garden Gifts & Tools program. Amazon provides rebate funds to KGC based on purchases by KGC members at We are also collecting cash register receipts for a Spartan Brand Community fundraiser and UPC codes from Our Family brand products to earn cash for KGC. See website for details on all these programs that provide additional funds to KGC.
FACEBOOK: KGC has a public Facebook page (search for Kalamazoo Garden Council) and a private member’s page (search for KGC Members Forum). Send links or information for the KGC public page to the admins. The KGC president or one of the admins have final say as to relevance. The KGC Members Forum is a closed group for members to share information, ask questions, obtain help, supplies from other members, etc. Please read the rules and answer the security questions to be admitted. Any KGC member can post on this Forum as long as it follows the rules.
WI-FI HOTSPOT: Wi-fi is available at the Council House for member use. Directions for access are located on the wi-fi unit in the library/meeting room.
TV/DVD PLAYER: The TV/DVD player located in the Council House meeting room may be used by any club for its programs. CHECK YOUR SPECIFIC CABLE NEEDS BEFORE LAPTOP PRESENTATIONS! HDMI è HDMI and HDMI è USBc cables are available.
NGC SCHOOLS: KGC provides 50% reimbursement of registration fee to any member and first-time attendee who successfully passes one of four courses in each of the four NGC Schools. See page 44 for additional information on NGC Schools.
KALAMAZOO NATURE CENTER: KGC provides funds to support various programs at the Kalamazoo Nature Center.
- Loda Lake Wildflower Sanctuary (MGC)
- Kalamazoo In Bloom
- Pierce Cedar Creek Institute
- SW Michigan Land Conservancy
- Veterans Memorial- Riverside Cemetery
Kalamazoo Garden Council Continuing Projects:
- Blanche Babcock Library at the Council House
- Community Beautification Projects
- Environmental Education
- KGC Flower Show
- KGC Greens Sale
- KGC House Grounds
- KGC House Garden Shop
- KGC Tribute Fund
- Container Planting Project, First National Bank of Michigan