The Council’s library houses over 3000 titles on topics of interest to our members such as gardening, landscape design, horticulture, and floral arranging. The library is maintained on a regular basis to keep information relevant and timely. Books may be borrowed by club members for ONE MONTH.
Books designated resource, club yearbook or oldest (shelf) may not be checked out but can be enjoyed in the library or copied as needed for personal use only. To check out a book anytime, fill out the card in the book pocket and place in the wooden box on the librarian’s desk located in the copy/shop room. Please PRINT your name and the due date (one month ahead) on the card.
Donations of new or gently used books are always welcome. Please leave donations on the red library cart in the copy/shop area. If this donation is made as a tribute, please include this information with your donation. The library is a wonderful resource and Council members are encouraged to take advantage of this benefit.
Library Committee Chair: Donna Robinson
Library Committee: Laura Woodruff, Kathy Kienle and Nancy Calloway
Librarian Consultant: Evey Prentiss