Advantages of KGC Membership
- Scholarships are available for first time member attendees that pass a course in one each of the four NGC Schools:
- Flower Show School
- Landscape Design School
- Environmental Studies School
- Gardening Study School
- Louise Adams Civic Beautification Awards of up to $200 in matching funds for club civic beautification projects are considered annually
- A Miriam Arend scholarship for full or partial reimbursement for club members attending the annual MGC Convention
- Flower arranging classes and educational workshops
- Participation in a standard flower show
- Access to a library of over 3000 books on gardening, floral arranging, and landscaping topics
- An annual directory of KGC members and affiliate information
- Online access to information of interest to members
- Use of Council House meeting rooms, fully equipped kitchen, and work rooms for club business at no charge
- Ergonomic garden tools and gifts available at reasonable prices through the Council website by the Garden Gifts & Tools Committee
- A Council Garden Shop for purchasing floral arranging and gardening supplies at competitive prices
- Affiliation with state and national garden club organizations
- Surplus profits shared with participating clubs for Greens Sale and
Bank Container Planter Projects - Invitations to program, field trip, or guest speaker opportunities through the Council or member clubs
- Council support for individual club projects
- Club financial benefits through the KGC 501(c)3 tax status
- Source of fellowship with other area clubs through various Council activities and events
- One, large storage shelf unit is available for each club to purchase at the Council House (great for club supplies, records, etc)
- As members of MGC, access to MGC Pollinator Signs and Personalized Club Signs
Advantages of Federated Membership:
The advantages of a federated membership which includes membership in the National Garden Council, Inc., Central Region and Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. are explored on the Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. website. Click on the link to see why our Kalamazoo Garden Council belongs to these organizations.

The Kalamazoo Garden Council, Inc. consists of members of garden clubs in the Greater Kalamazoo Area, whose aim is to promote the objectives of KGC and the Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. For assistance in finding out how to become a potential new member, please Contact Membership Chair. She will provide information about the Kalamazoo Garden Council and various garden clubs. You will find additional information about our nine garden clubs on this site.
Information regarding new club members, resignations, changes or corrections in names, addresses, telephone, or email during the year, should be forwarded to both the KGC Database Manager, Bunny LaDuke at email: and the Information Technologist, Kathy Kienle,
Kalamazoo Garden Council Business Meetings:

Board Meetings are held at 9:30 on the 2nd Tuesday of each month except December at the KGC Council House.
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for the second Tuesday in June (June 8, 2021; June 7, 2022). Hosted by the Council at various locations around the area, it is an event for all council members and features a luncheon, keynote speaker, and installation of officers and Board Members. It is a wonderful opportunity to get to know council members from other clubs, learn new information, and enjoy a delicious meal. All members have voting rights at the Annual Meeting. Consult the website for updates, change of venues and/or cancellations.
DUES—COUNCIL: Council dues of $5.00 per member are payable May 1 and become delinquent July 1. Club treasurers should mail their checks to the KGC Treasurer and made payable to Kalamazoo Garden Council, Inc. Please contact the KGC Treasurer with any questions.
DUES—STATE: MGC dues of $6.00 per member (which includes NGC dues of $1.00) are payable June 1 and become delinquent September 15. Club treasurers should mail their checks payable to Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. upon receiving information from the MGC regarding member lists and submission information. This information will be sent to club presidents and should be forwarded to their club’s treasurer.

Directories are given to club Directors at the Annual Meeting in June to distribute to each of their club’s members. Extra directories are available for new members. Information in the directory is reviewed for updates each year through each club Director before printing.
“The Garden Post” is published in twice yearly and will be sent by email to members from The newsletter will be posted on the website. Presidents or Club Directors are responsable for distributing a hardcopy to those members who do not use email.